Unturned Admin Tool Building In-game Mac

This is the Admin server management commands for servers running Unturned

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(using <number> asks for confirmation, because player numbers seem basically random)

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From the ground up Unturned was designed for modding. Download player created content ranging from guns to vehicles to huge levels from the workshop, and upload your own. Build custom maps using the in-game level editor. All of the official maps were created with the same free public tools and their assets are open for you to use. When you're able to get into the server console, type the command to give a certain player the 'Admin' rank: @admin STEAMPLAYERNAME Note that the player who will receive the admin rank needs to be LOGGED INTO THE SERVER. I hope this helps. This works, but instead of typing @admin, type admin (at least for me it works, I'm in windows 10). This mod adds craftable and placeable structures for Unturned. Certain buildings are divided into floors which can be placed one over another. In order to craft them, you need a new level of the crafting skill which is available in a license. Unturned Workshop SimplyData's Workshop This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. It is only visible to you.

Command ListWhat the command doesRequired Permission Level
/timeShows the current time on the server0
/onlineList the number of players currently online0
/homeTeleports back to home0
/sethomeSets home0
/ban <player name>/<number>Bans a player from the server1
/kick <player name>/<number>Kicks a player from the server1
/unban <player name>Unbans a player from the server1
/reason <reason>Define the reason a player will receive when being kicked/banned1
/repeat <announcement>Broadcast a server wide announcement1
/repairvehiclesRepairs all vehicles on the server1
/refuelvehiclesRefuels all vehicles on the server1
/carTeleports a random car from anywhere in the map to you1
/sirensEnable sirens on all vehicles that supports it1
/sirensoffTurns car sirens off1
/heal <player name>Heals a player1
/tp <x> <y> <z>Teleport to a specific coordinate1
/tptome <player name>/<number>Teleports a player to you1
/tpto <player name>/<number>Teleport to a player1
/tpallTeleports all players to you2
/killzombiesKills all of the zombies on the map2
/resetzombiesResets and respawns all zombies on the server2
/resetitemsRemoves and respawns all items on the server2
/i <item id> <amount>Spawns a specific item for the player (Check below for the list of item ids)2
/kitSpawns a kit for the player2
/kill <playername>Kills a player2
/enablewhitelistEnables whitelisting3
/disablewhitelistDisable whitelisting3
/whitelist add <player name>Adds a player to the whitelist3
/whitelist remove <player name>Removes a player from the whitelist3
/setannouncedelay <time in seconds>Set Announcement Delay3
/setitemsdelay <time in seconds>Sets the item spawn delay in seconds4
/reloadbansReloads Ban List4
/reloadCommandsReloads the utility4
/promote <player name>Promotes a player to Admin Lvl 1 (Moderator)4
/logmsgDEBUG Logs a message to CONSOLE4

Permission Level System


I have a friend with a mac that used to play Unturned, but his game crashes every time he uses it. I heard Nelson is fixing it. Which are listed in-game at the safezone. Additional decorational items are expected to be provided by the player. Creator Tools Admin-only tools to help with creativity. Camo Outfit A bandit. Admin edit mode - Suggestion It should allow copy, paste, and delete in admin edit mode. It would also be nice if you could snap a buildable to 90 degrees to keep things straighter. Unturned is a sandbox game in the emerging multiplayer apocalypse survival genre. Rather than focusing on being an MMO it provides players with easy systems to sit down and survive the zombie infestation with their friends. Over the course of a typical.

Each level inherits the commands of the previous level

0NormalNormal User
1ModeratorStandard Mod commands + Vehicle Management
2Trusted ModeratorAble to kill/reset/spawn items/mobs
3AdministratorsAble to set delay for announcements and whitelist management
4OPs/Global AdministratorsAble to log to console/reset utility

UnturnedAdmins.txt Format

Item IDshttp://unturned.wikia.com/wiki/Item_ID%27s

Jul 21, 2017

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All commands a admin or owner should know!


Welcome human! If you play singleplayer you might want some of this commands and if your admin or owner in a multiplayer server you will probaly need all!

All the Commands

Unturned Admin Backpack

  • @Admin [Nickname Steam ID] - To make Admin.
  • @Admins - To make the list of Admins.
  • @Airdrop - To make Airdrop.
  • @Ban [Nickname Steam ID] / [Reason] / [Duration] - To ban the Player.
  • @Bans - To make the list of Banned Players.
  • @Bind [IP] - To link to the server IP.
  • @Chatrate [Number] - This assigns a minimum time between chat message.
  • @Cheats - To turn on the server cheats(Not VAC banned Cheats).
  • @Cycle [Number] - This assigns the length of the day/night cycle in seconds.
  • @Day - To set Day.
  • @Debug - This provides information on the state of the server.
  • @Experience [Nickname Steam ID] / [Experience] - This gives a players some Experience.
  • @Filter - This filters out players with non-English-alphanumeric names.
  • @Flag [SteamID Player] / [Flag] / [Value] - This sets a player's flag.
  • @Give [Nickname Steam ID] / [ItemID] / [Amount] - To spawn Item(s).
  • @Gold - It makes the server is only available to Gold.
  • @Help [Comman] - This provides information on Commands.
  • @Hide_Admins - Hides admins.
  • @Kick [Nickname Steam ID] / [Reason] - To kick The Player.
  • @Kill [SteamID Player] - This kills the specified player in-game
  • @Loadout [SkillsetID] / [ItemID] / [ItemID].. - This gives players each item then spawning.
  • @Log [Chat Y/N] / [Join/Leave Y/N] / [Death Y/N] - This assigns the console log option.
  • @Map [Level] - To set Server Map.
  • @Maxplayers [Number] - Number of server slots.
  • @Mode [Easy Normal Hard Gold] - To set the Difficulty of the server.
  • @Modules - To show a list of the loaded modules.
  • @Name [Text] - To set the Name of the server.
  • @Night - To set Night.
  • @Owner [SteamID] - To set the Owner of the server.
  • @Password [Text] - To set password of the server.
  • @Permit [SteamID] / [Tag] - This add specified player to the list of users allowed to join the server.
  • @Permits - This shows a list of the current players allowed to join the server.
  • @Perspective [First Third Both] - To set the Perspective of the server.
  • @Players - This shows a list of the current player on the server.
  • @Port [Number] - To set port of the server.
  • @PvE - This allows player versus enviroment combat.
  • @Quest [SteamID Player] / [Quest] - This gives a player a Quest.
  • @Queue_Size [Number] - This sets the maximum number of queued connections the server is willing to hold on to.
  • @Reputation [SteamID Player] / [Reputation] - This gives a player some reputation.
  • @ResetConfig - This reset the config file to the default values.
  • @Save - To save Server.
  • @Say [Text] / [R] / [G] / - This broadcasts a message to all of the connected clients.
  • @Shutdown [Delay] - to Off the Server.
  • @Slay [Nickname Steam ID] / [Reason] - To kill the player and parnamently ban.
  • @Spy [Nickname Steam ID] - To make screenshot from player.
  • @Storm - To set Storm.
  • @Sync - This allows players to share savedata between your servers.
  • @Teleport [Nickname Steam ID] / [Nickname Steam ID Location] - To teleport the players.
  • @Time [Number] - To set time on the server (In seconds).
  • @Timeout [Number] - This assigns a maximum ping threshhold to the server before a client is kicked.
  • @Unadmin [SteamID Player] - Remove the player from the post of Admin.
  • @Unban [SteamID] - To unban the Player.
  • @Unpermit [SteamID] - To 'Unpermit' the player.
  • @Vehicle [SteamID Player] / [VehicleID] - To spawn Vehicle.
  • @Votify [Vote allowed Y/N] / [Pass Cooldown] / [Fail Cooldown] / [Vote Duration] / [Vote Percentage] / [Players] - This configures voting for the server.
  • @Welcome [Text] / [R] / [G] / - This sets a welcome message shown to clients as they connect.
  • @Whitelisted - To on Whitelist.

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